

¡¡WELCOME!! Hi! My name is Sofía, I invite you to visit this blog, since there are a wide variety of topics which can be very interesting, and you could find things that you like, and at the same time experience different things and get out of your area comfort.


 Euthanasia Introduction Sareth Martínez : The discussion about the moral status of euthanasia has grown enormously in recent decades. This growth has brought with it increasing differentiation and complexity. This, in turn, has implied the possibility of discussing euthanasia from different perspectives, sometimes interconnected, sometimes independent. On the one hand, all this means enrichment, but on the other, also a danger: the danger of believing that, by reaching some conclusion regarding one of these aspects, we have solved the general problem. Affirmative side Nicolás Perea :  Netherlands It was the first place in the world to approve euthanasia, after different judicial decisions were made beforehand that paved the way for legislation. the court established criteria that a doctor would not be required to keep a patient alive against her will. Euthanasia is the deliberate intervention to end a life with no prospect of cure. Valeria Ospina :  We are all going...


  The pollution generated by not recycling. The consequences of not recycling are really serious for our survival as a species, especially if we take into account that at the moment the planet faces challenges such as climate change, pollution, deforestation of forests or the depletion of natural resources , among others. That is why we must take into account these suggestions or solutions to this problem: -We should consider recycling garbage as important and implement it. -I could start using the cloth bags to reduce the consumption of plastic bags. -You should bear in mind that this problem affects all human beings, you could generate change, if you take the initiative for a better future. Sofia Almario Nicolás Perea

What would have happened if ...

  Adolf Hitler's hatred for Jews dates back to his youth when, still without a specific ideology, he allowed himself to be duped by different anti-Semitic leaders of Austrian politics. Once he came to power in 1933 he made it clear in his speeches that the Jews were responsible for the German defeat in the Great War and progressively prohibited any fundamental right to a group that had been living in German lands for generations. His dream was for the Jews to disappear from Europe. If Hitler had not had that ideal, thousands of Jews would not have died. Fleming grew the mold in a pure culture and found that it produced a substance that killed various disease-causing bacteria. He identified the mold as belonging to the genus Penicillium and, after a few months of calling it "mold juice", on March 7, 1929 he named the substance penicillin. If Fleming hadn't grown a mold, penicillin wouldn't have been discovered. Hygiene and care began to be a concern for the State f...


 Reasons for the importance of language to achieve goals 1.  Speaking a second language opens the door to many personal and professional opportunities, which is why today people who master more than one language receive more and better job offers. It does not matter at what age a language is learned, whether from childhood or as an adult, it has been proven that being bilingual is beneficial for people's cognitive development, as it improves flexibility, memory and brain ability.                                                                               The main benefits of learning a new language are: Better decision making. A brain that knows how to move quickly between two languages ​​is one that has the ability to analyze several simultaneous situations, an indispensable sk...

Jorge Eliécer Gaitán

  "The people are superior to their leaders" Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento grew up in the home formed by Dr. Mario Galán Gómez, politician and president of Ecopetrol for once years, and Cecilia Sarmiento Suárez; He was the third of twelve children. He attended high school at the Antonio Nariño departmental school, where he held first place during all his studies. During his youth he participated in student demonstrations against the military regime of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. He alternated the study seasons with vacations in Bucaramanga and Charalá, establishing a close friendship with his cousin Alfonso Valdivieso Sarmiento, later the nation's attorney general. Most relevant and important points in the life of Jorge Gaitan • Gaitán has always been seen as a popular leader, he is the leader par excellence in Colombia. • He has been remembered as a leader who gave a voice to people who did not have it before, by manipulating the oligarchs who simply silenced them with ...

New App

This app was created in order to improve the way of studying, making it more orderly and active. In this App you can find a schedule, calendar, a playlist of music that you could listen to while studying, and some study tips. In the schedule you can find a place where you can put notes, they can be about activities that you have to do. In our calendar, you can organize what you have pending or what happened to you during the day, having a page of notes for each day. In the playlist you can relax and remove  stress while listening to the sound of muisic,this can be done while studying, or at any time, the playlists  found on this page are recommended by the  creators of the app. On this page you can find some tips to ensure that your study is effective and easy to do, we recommend that you take them into account.   App Link Creators: María Lucia Afanador Sofia Almario Angely Bernal Catalina  Gómez Guadalupe  Martínez Daniel Saavedra Gabriela Vesga


  Ecological crisis   We are in a "planetary" deficit because we use 50% more than what planet Earth can give us. We devour resources tremendously. Solutions / Recommendations Yields in agriculture should be increased without increasing its ecological footprint. I recommend optimizing the water used for human, industrial, agricultural, livestock and mining consumption, among others. It would be good for the planet if food waste is reduced. It is good if energy consumption is reduced in all scenarios by using optimization in its use, citizen education, and technological development that favors this decrease. Sofia Almario Buitrago