This app was created in order to improve the way of studying, making it more orderly and active. In this App you can find a schedule, calendar, a playlist of music that you could listen to while studying, and some study tips. In the schedule you can find a place where you can put notes, they can be about activities that you have to do. In our calendar, you can organize what you have pending or what happened to you during the day, having a page of notes for each day. In the playlist you can relax and remove stress while listening to the sound of muisic,this can be done while studying, or at any time, the playlists found on this page are recommended by the creators of the app. On this page you can find some tips to ensure that your study is effective and easy to do, we recommend that you take them into account. App Link Creators: María Lucia Afanador Sofia Almario Angely Bernal Catalina Gómez Guadalupe Martínez Daniel Saavedra Gabriela Vesga